Like, Whoa.

Like, Whoa.
This is the story of a young woman's journey into some kind of adulthood

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

All good things

   It's been years since I last penned my thoughts down in any form of journaling, but I've anyways felt that it was the only way for me to properly express my inner self, so here goes nothing.
   In just a couple of months I will be a quarter of a century old, and it's hitting me a lot harder than I thought it would. I feel ashamed of all that I have not accomplished as of today. I have no degree in anything I would like to, I am not married, and I am a mother of no one. Although, to many, I have all the time in the world, I just felt as though I would be a new person by the age of twenty-five. The more I say twenty-five the more I feel as though I am running out of time. Depression is setting in quickly and I all I can do is smile because, even though I am not the Brittany I always imagined I would be by this time, I am alive and I am blessed.
   God gave me all the tools needed to have a beautiful and successful life. I am the only woman I know in her young twenties that owns her own home. I have a loving and generous boyfriend that does all he can to make our lives as easy as possible. My family is there every time I need them, no questions asked. I have a job that puts food on my table and pays the bills. I have an education, and no one can take that from me. All these things and more make my life pleasant. I am lucky, and yet I still feel as though I have nothing to show for my twenty-five years of life.
   There are people in my life I wish I still had, and those I wish I had the courage to say goodbye to. There are memories I look back on with regret, and there are thousands more I can't wait to make. Months until I am twenty-five and months to attempt to accomplish so many goals I had set for myself.  It's going to be an interesting 2015.

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